June, Saturday 01, 2024

The Potential Consequences of Li Keqiang's Demise for Xi Jinping


The death of former Chinese premier Li Keqiang has sparked measures to maintain stability and ensure that mourning does not turn into wider criticism of the current administration led by Xi Jinping. To prevent this, there has been a crackdown on Virtual Private Network (VPN) use to limit access to the internet beyond the control of the Communist Party. Li's sudden death and his representation of a different approach to governing China have made his passing significant. He was seen as a pragmatic leader who focused on priorities rather than ideology, which made him stand out in the powerful Politburo Standing Committee. Li's approach to economic growth, as indicated by the "Li Keqiang Index," relying on indicators such as railway cargo volume, electricity consumption, and bank loan disbursements, was seen as a criticism of China's official statistics and did not sit well with his political opponents. Li was known for his intelligence and honesty in acknowledging China's economic problems while seeking solutions. During the pandemic, he expressed concerns about the damage caused by Xi's zero-Covid approach and emphasized the importance of development in solving problems. Li's actions, such as promoting street stalls to boost job creation, were undermined by the Beijing government, highlighting the limited power he had under Xi's leadership. Li's death, following the removal of high-profile ministers, adds to the sensitivity surrounding his passing. The official ceremonies to remember him will be handled carefully to prevent any sympathetic view conflicting with the current government's path. People on Chinese social media platforms will be closely monitoring the expressions of sadness and shock as they remember Li. There has been speculation about how China would be different if Li had become the paramount leader instead of Xi.