June, Saturday 01, 2024

UK seeks answers after imprisoned British-Russian activist disappears: Vladimir Kara-Murza case


UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron has called on Russia to provide information about the whereabouts of opposition figure Vladimir Kara-Murza, who has been imprisoned. Kara-Murza, a Russian-British national, was convicted of treason for criticizing the war in Ukraine. Concern has grown after he was removed from a prison in Siberia, as Russian prison transfers are known to be secretive and can take weeks. Lord Cameron emphasized the urgency of informing Kara-Murza's lawyers about his location. Enquiries to the penal colony where he was held were met with responses stating that he was no longer there. Kara-Murza's wife expressed fear for his safety, referring to previous alleged assassination attempts. The British government has condemned Kara-Murza's sentencing, and the US State Department described him as another victim of Russia's repression campaign. Kara-Murza, a former journalist and politician, has been a vocal critic of President Vladimir Putin and has played a role in imposing sanctions on Russian officials for human rights abuses and corruption. The British government is considering measures to hold those responsible for his detention and mistreatment accountable. Kara-Murza received British citizenship when he moved to the UK as a teenager. The lack of communication with supporters outside the penal system during opposition leader Alexei Navalny's transfer raised concerns, and there are similar worries for Kara-Murza.