June, Thursday 13, 2024

Gaza Residents Relieved as UN Declares Ceasefire Nightmare Over


According to the United Nations, the resumption of violence between Israel and Hamas is a nightmare that was feared by everyone. A temporary ceasefire between the two sides ended on Friday, and both sides are blaming each other for the renewed hostilities. The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza has reported that over 100 people have been killed since then. The situation is catastrophic for the people of Gaza, says a spokesperson for UNICEF. Hospitals are overwhelmed, with one spokesman describing the largest functioning hospital in Gaza as "wildly overflowing" with patients, including many children and people with war-related injuries. Other UN aid agencies have reported similar conditions at other hospitals in Gaza. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) claim that Hamas violated the ceasefire agreement by opening fire at Israel and not releasing all the hostages they held. However, Hamas accuses Israel of refusing to accept offers to release other hostages. Israel conducted airstrikes on southern Gaza, and warnings were issued urging people to seek shelter in safer areas. Rockets fired from Gaza towards Israel were intercepted by Israel's defense system. People in Gaza are also dealing with cold weather, lack of food, water, and medicine. Civilians, like Marwa Saleh, who sought refuge in other areas due to the war, are pleading for an end to the fighting, stating that they want to live and avoid losing loved ones. The Hamas-run health ministry reports that over 14,800 people have been killed since Israel's campaign against Hamas began, including around 6,000 children. The conflict began after Hamas attacked Israel, resulting in casualties and the kidnapping of individuals. Some of these hostages have been released recently in exchange for Palestinian prisoners.