June, Saturday 01, 2024

Release of Sharone Lifschitz's Mother Granted, Father Continues to be Detained by Hamas


Sharone Lifschitz has been by her mother's side since her release from Hamas captivity in Gaza. Yocheved, 85, was one of two women freed on Monday after being taken from her home in Nir Oz. Sharone expresses concern for the remaining hostages still believed to be held in underground tunnels. Despite her mother's release, Yocheved's husband Oded is still missing and presumed to be held captive. Sharone speaks about her father's peace activism and hopes for his well-being. The Lifschitz family lived in Nir Oz for many years and had close ties to the community. Over 100 residents were either killed or captured during the Hamas attack on October 7th. Sharone is currently focused on her mother's recovery and is lobbying the Israeli government and international allies for the release of the remaining hostages. She believes that a military invasion should be delayed to allow more time for negotiations. Sharone criticizes the Israeli government and army for their delayed response to the attack. Yocheved's positive demeanor is highlighted, particularly her gesture of shaking hands and saying "shalom" to one of her captors. Despite some criticism, Sharone defends her mother's actions. The conditions of captivity and the ordeal of the hostages are not overlooked, even though Yocheved received some care during her capture. The kidnapping also involved an eight-year-old boy, Ohad, and three other family members. Family members describe Ohad as intelligent and talented. The attack on Nir Oz was a shock to the community. One cousin was killed in the attack. The family cannot celebrate Ohad's birthday until he and the rest of his family are free. Sharone's parents' home has been destroyed, and all their possessions have been lost. She has no plans to return to the UK and will continue her fight for the freedom of the remaining hostages.