June, Saturday 01, 2024

Heartbreaking News: Manila Zoo Mourns the Loss of the World's 'Saddest' Elephant


Mali, an elephant who was known as one of the world's "saddest" animals, has passed away at a zoo in the Philippines. She had lived alone in a small enclosure at the Manila Zoo for almost her entire life. Mali was a beloved attraction at the zoo for four decades, but her solitary existence had long been a concern for animal rights activists, including Sir Paul McCartney, who had urged authorities to transfer her to an elephant sanctuary. Manila Mayor Honey Lacuna announced Mali's death in a video posted on Facebook, expressing her own childhood memories of visiting the zoo and seeing Mali. The elephant had been displaying signs of distress last Friday, constantly rubbing her trunk against a wall, indicating she was in pain. The zoo's chief veterinarian, Dr. Heinrich Patrick Peña-Domingo, revealed that Mali was lying on her side and breathing heavily by Tuesday. Despite receiving medical treatment, including antihistamines and vitamins, she passed away that afternoon. An autopsy later revealed cancer in some of Mali's organs and a blockage in her aorta. Mali, whose full name is Vishwa Ma'ali, was gifted to former Philippine first lady Imelda Marcos by the Sri Lankan government when she was just 11 months old. Another elephant named Shiva also resided at Manila Zoo but passed away in 1990, leaving Mali as the only elephant in the zoo. During the pandemic, Manila Zoo also served as a vaccination site for children, with Mali providing entertainment. Animal rights activists heavily criticized the poor conditions at Manila Zoo and asserted that the staff lacked the necessary skills and resources to provide Mali with adequate medical care. However, zoo authorities argued that Mali should remain in captivity since she had no exposure to life in the wild. In 2012, Sir Paul McCartney wrote a letter to then-President Benigno Aquino III, describing the heartbreaking footage he had seen of Mali in captivity and calling for her transfer to a sanctuary in Thailand. Former Smiths frontman Morrissey made a similar appeal, but Mali remained at Manila Zoo. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) lamented Mali's passing, referring to her as "one of the world's saddest elephants." Many Filipinos expressed their memories of encountering Mali during school field trips and expressed sadness that she had died alone. Manila Mayor Honey Lacuna announced at a press conference that she would request the Sri Lankan government to donate another elephant to the Philippine capital. She emphasized that Mali's longtime caretakers were devastated by her death and stated that transferring Mali to a sanctuary was never considered due to her lengthy captivity. Lacuna said, "She might seem alone, but she had us beside her. She was the face that greeted everyone who visited Manila Zoo. She is a part of our lives."