June, Thursday 13, 2024

New Legislation Makes Possession of Laughing Gas (Nitrous Oxide) Illegal


Laughing gas, also known as nitrous oxide or NOS, has been made illegal in the UK and is now classified as a class C drug. Possession of the gas for its psychoactive effects can now result in a prison sentence of up to two years. The government believes that this ban will combat anti-social behavior and reduce health risks associated with the drug. However, some experts had warned that this ban would be disproportionate to the harm caused by laughing gas. Nitrous oxide is a popular recreational drug among young people, but it can cause damage to the nervous system. Under the new rules, possession of the drug can lead to imprisonment or an unlimited fine, while supply or production can result in up to 14 years in prison. Earlier this year, experts reevaluated the risks of nitrous oxide and chose not to recommend a ban. The Advisory Council on The Misuse of Drugs expressed concern that tougher laws could have unintended consequences, such as individuals not seeking medical help. Despite this advice, the government decided to proceed with the ban, citing incidents of drug abuse in public spaces and deaths related to drug driving. Birmingham has one of the highest rates of hospital admissions for nitrous oxide-related damage in the country. In the city, the use of nitrous oxide has progressed from small silver capsules commonly found in gutters to larger catering-sized canisters. One brand, Smartwhip, originally used for culinary purposes, is being sold secretly to addicts in corner shops. The drug is often used in moving cars to avoid detection. Nitrous oxide is difficult to trace and its use is a concern in certain communities where intoxication is strictly prohibited. Some users have reported negative effects from heavy use, including blackouts and a loss of independence. Regular use of nitrous oxide can also lead to vitamin B12 deficiency and neurological damage. Crime and Policing Minister Chris Philp stated that the ban is a clear message that there are consequences for drug misuse, and both users and dealers will face legal ramifications. A BBC documentary explores the impact of nitrous oxide use in Birmingham, highlighting the experiences of users, the shops that sell it, and activists trying to stop its abuse.