June, Saturday 01, 2024

Namibia Voices Concerns over Germany's Backing of Israel in ICJ Genocide Case


Namibia has criticized Germany for siding with Israel in a case brought by South Africa to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza. Germany, as the former colonial ruler of Namibia, has been urged by Namibian President Hage Geingob to reconsider its decision to intervene in defense of Israel. Germany has previously acknowledged committing genocide in Namibia between 1904 and 1908 when German colonizers massacred over 70,000 Herero and Nama people. President Geingob argued that Germany cannot morally support Israel while failing to fully atone for the genocide it committed in Namibia. However, the German government dismissed the accusation against Israel, stating that it was unfounded and a political manipulation of the UN genocide convention. Germany argued that it is committed to the convention due to its own history and the Holocaust. The case was prompted by the scale of Israel's response to attacks by Hamas, which South Africa believes may amount to genocide. Israel has denied the allegation, calling it baseless and arguing that if anyone is guilty of genocide, it is Hamas.