June, Saturday 01, 2024

Michael Jackson's share in music catalogue sold for $600 million.


Sony Music Group has reportedly paid $600m for a 50% stake in Michael Jackson's catalogue, making his musical assets worth over $1.2bn. This deal marks the largest ever for a single musician's work. Jackson, who died in 2009, was one of the most successful pop stars ever, with worldwide record sales exceeding 400 million. Thriller, released in 1982, is still the best-selling album of all time. The King of Pop remains popular on streaming platforms, with nearly 40 million monthly listeners on Spotify alone. In addition to Jackson's own music, the back catalogue deal also includes tracks by other artists under his Mijac publishing group, like Ray Charles, Elvis Presley, and Aretha Franklin. This sale, managed by the Estate of Michael Jackson, follows a trend of artists monetizing their back catalogues, with Bruce Springsteen and Bob Dylan reportedly making hundreds of millions of dollars from similar deals. Queen is also said to be planning a comparable arrangement. No comments have been made by Sony Music Group or the Estate of Michael Jackson regarding the transaction.