June, Saturday 01, 2024

Joe Biden's trip to Israel and Gaza is a risky and significant move


The recent trip by President Joe Biden to the Middle East was a risky move, especially considering the volatile situation in the region. The bombing of a hospital in Gaza, which resulted in the deaths of many Palestinians, added to the tension. Hamas blamed Israel for the airstrike, but Israel claimed that Palestinian Islamic Jihad rockets caused the explosion. Initially, President Biden had planned to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Arab leaders in Jordan. However, the summit in Amman was abruptly cancelled before Air Force One took off from Joint Base Andrews. The leaders of Jordan, Egypt, and the Palestinian Authority expressed their lack of confidence in President Biden's ability to end the violence, claiming it violated international law. President Biden has made it clear that he supports Israel in its conflict with Hamas, describing the attacks on Israel as "sheer evil" and defending its right to defend itself. This trip aimed to demonstrate America's firm solidarity with Israel, but President Biden is also concerned about the civilian casualties and humanitarian impact. While he publicly urges adherence to the rules of war, the private conversations he holds may be more assertive. The US wants Israel to allow aid into Gaza and ensure the safe passage of trapped Americans in the region, but no agreements have been reached so far. President Biden is aware that global public sentiment could quickly shift, and support for Israel might diminish as images of Palestinian suffering circulate. Moreover, there is a genuine fear that the escalating assault on Gaza could trigger a wider conflict involving other countries in the region. Security concerns are also a major issue, as accompanying the president in a conflict zone is challenging even under the best circumstances. However, in this case, President Biden's long-standing relationship with Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu may prove beneficial, as their history allows for more candid discussions. President Biden has clear ideas about the next steps, including his belief that Israel should not occupy Gaza and the necessity of the Palestinian Authority and a path to Palestinian statehood. He will likely urge Israel to exercise caution and end the conflict promptly. The US has consistently been Israel's steadfast ally, and President Biden has been known for his strong support for the Jewish state for decades. Now, it is crucial for President Biden to use his influence and leverage to minimize bloodshed and prevent a full-scale war in the Middle East, despite the increasing difficulty of the situation.