June, Saturday 01, 2024

Understanding Hamas and the Recent Israel Attack: Frequently Asked Questions


The recent attack on Israel has sparked numerous questions on search engines and social media platforms regarding the details and reasons behind the events. Here are some of those inquiries answered. Hamas, a Palestinian Islamist militant group that governs the Gaza Strip, is sworn to the destruction of Israel. Since coming into power in Gaza in 2007, Hamas has engaged in several wars with Israel. During periods between wars, Hamas or other groups sanctioned by them have launched thousands of rockets at Israel, as well as carried out other deadly attacks. In response, Israel has repeatedly conducted airstrikes on Hamas positions and, in cooperation with Egypt, imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip since 2007, citing reasons of national security. Israel, the United States, the European Union, the UK, and other powers have designated Hamas, either as a whole or in some cases its military wing, as a terrorist organization. Iran supports Hamas by providing funding, weapons, and training. The Gaza Strip is a narrow territory spanning 41 kilometers (25 miles) in length and 10 kilometers in width, situated between Israel, Egypt, and the Mediterranean Sea. It is densely populated with approximately 2.3 million residents, making it one of the most densely populated areas globally. Israel controls the airspace and shoreline of Gaza and imposes restrictions on the movement of people and goods via its border crossings. Similarly, Egypt regulates the passage of individuals through its border with Gaza. According to the United Nations, approximately 80% of the population in Gaza depends on international aid, with around one million people relying on daily food assistance. Tensions between Israel and Hamas persist, but the attack initiated by Hamas on Saturday caught Israel off guard. Hamas launched thousands of rockets at Israel, while a group of Hamas fighters infiltrated Israeli communities through the border, resulting in the killing of numerous civilians and the capture of others. In response, Israel promptly conducted airstrikes targeting militant sites in Gaza, resulting in the reported death toll of over 200 individuals, according to local officials. The West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, and Israel collectively constitute the Palestinian territories. These lands have historically been referred to as Palestine since Roman times. They were also home to Jewish kingdoms depicted in the Bible and held as the ancient homeland of the Jewish people. Although Israel was declared a state in 1948, some individuals who do not recognize Israel's right to exist still refer to the land as Palestine. Palestinians also employ the term Palestine as an umbrella term encompassing the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem.