June, Friday 14, 2024

Grzegorz Braun, a Polish Member of Parliament, loses immunity after extinguishing Hanukkah candles.


MPs in Poland have voted to remove the parliamentary immunity of far-right politician Grzegorz Braun, after he extinguished candles lit for Hanukkah, sparking outrage worldwide. Braun used a fire extinguisher to put out the candles on the menorah after a lighting ceremony in parliament, filling the room with white mist. He had been previously fined for the act but now may face criminal charges. Braun described Hanukkah as "satanic" and claimed he was restoring "normality" by extinguishing the candles. Prosecutors plan to bring charges against him for destruction of property, insulting an object of religious worship, and violation of bodily integrity. All parties, except the ultra-nationalist Confederation party to which Braun belongs, voted in favor of revoking his immunity. Parliament speaker Szymon Holownia denounced Braun's actions as "disgusting" and emphasized that anti-Semitism would not be tolerated in the assembly. This is not the first time Braun has caused controversy, as he has previously engaged in acts such as discarding a Christmas tree decorated with the EU and Ukrainian colors and damaging a microphone during a talk by a Holocaust historian. Prosecutors are also investigating separate incidents that occurred in 2022 and 2023 involving Braun.