June, Thursday 13, 2024

Withdrawal of Ukrainian Troops from the Conflict-Ridden Eastern Town of Avdiivka


The Ukrainian military has announced its decision to withdraw troops from Avdiivka, an eastern town that has been under siege by Russian forces. According to the country's Commander-in-Chief, Oleksandr Syrskyi, this move was made in order to prevent encirclement and protect the lives and well-being of the servicemen. The troops are being relocated to more advantageous positions while Avdiivka has been caught in intense fighting for several months. Gen Syrskyi explained that his decision was influenced by the operational circumstances surrounding Avdiivka. In a statement on Facebook, he expressed pride in the soldiers' performance in causing significant losses to the Russian forces. Furthermore, he assured that measures are being taken to stabilize the situation and maintain Ukrainian positions. The United States issued a warning on Friday, highlighting the risk of Avdiivka falling under Russian control due to shortages in Ukrainian artillery ammunition.